Author: Michael Todd

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $24.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: April 08, 2024

Deal ends: April 21, 2024


Fountain of Youth, or Valley of Death?

The future of mankind is growing in the Sahara Desert. The government needs the best of the best military and scientific minds working out how to pull the secrets from the ZOO while keeping the deadly fauna and flora in check.

Join intrepid adventurers in book 1s of six series as they take on the ZOO!


Fight For Life and Death

Fighting hard, multiple countries band together to successfully pause the apocalypse.

So what did the military want with Dr. Christopher Lin?

By the time his helicopter ride was on the ground, he wasn't a ZOO virgin any longer.

Join Dr. Christopher Lin as he learns about the ZOO, how to stay alive and the opportunities that being a part of the ZOO has brought humanity.

Kill Or Be Killed

Jeremiah Johnson needs a job and Retired Marine Colonel Anderson needs a man with Johnson's particular skills.

It's either a match made in Heaven or Hell, depending on which side of the gun you are standing on. Inside the ZOO isn't the only place people are acting greedy. Doctor Courtney Monroe has taken control of her Dad's legacy. Are Anderson and Savage the men she need to make it happen?