Author: Jonathon Fletcher

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 25, 2024

Deal ends: February 25, 2024


Captain Josiah Trenchard is a no-nonsense, foul mouthed, alcohol fuelled action hero.

The crew of the Might of Fortitude barely have time to recover from the tragic loss of their fellow crew members when they are sent on a desperate rescue mission. All communication has been lost with the scientific research vessel S.S. Seishi. Proteus Pharmaceuticals’ boss, Akihito Nakamura, is desperately concerned for his son who is aboard, inspecting the ship.

Nakamura makes a personal plea to Admiral Fife that Captain Josiah Trenchard, the infamous "fixer”, should be sent on the rescue mission. What lies in wait for the troopers of the Might of Fortitude this time? What terrors shuffle in the darkness, snarling, clawing and lusting after human flesh? What is the terrible truth behind the miracle drug ?namuji?

This is part four in the Space Navy series. Length: 49,000 words (estimated).


This book is intended for adults. It contains scenes of a violent nature and repetitive use of swearing and adult themes that may be unsettling to some readers. Please do not read it if you are of a sensitive nature.