Tools for Parenthood

Author: Mary Duncan

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: April 16, 2024

Deal ends: April 26, 2024


Explore how just 15 minutes daily with everyday household items can significantly impact your child's readiness for school. Learn practical, age-suitable activities to build a strong educational foundation for your little one.

The Self-Driven Child

Author: William Stixrud and Ned Johnson

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $13.99

Deal price: $2.99

Deal starts: April 18, 2024

Deal ends: April 18, 2024


Instead of trusting kids with choices . . . many parents insist on micromanaging everything from homework to friendships. For these parents, Stixrud and Johnson have a simple message: Stop.



“This humane, thoughtful book turns the latest brain science into valuable practical advice for parents.” —Paul Tough, 

New York Times

 bestselling author of 

How Children Succeed

A few years ago, Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson started noticing the same problem from different angles: Even high-performing kids were coming to them acutely stressed and lacking motivation. Many complained they had no control over their lives. Some stumbled in high school or hit college and unraveled. Bill is a clinical neuropsychologist who helps kids gripped by anxiety or struggling to learn. Ned is a motivational coach who runs an elite tutoring service. Together they discovered that the best antidote to stress is to give kids more of a sense of control over their lives. But this


mean giving up your authority as a parent. In this groundbreaking book they reveal how you can actively help your child to sculpt a brain that is resilient, and ready to take on new challenges.

The Self-Driven Child

offers a combination of cutting-edge brain science, the latest discoveries in behavioral therapy, and case studies drawn from the thousands of kids and teens Bill and Ned have helped over the years to teach you how to set your child on the


road to success. As parents, we can only drive our kids so far. At some point, they will have to take the wheel and map out their own path. But there is a lot you can do before then to help them tackle the road ahead with resilience and imagination.

Odd Girl Out

Author: Rachel Simmons

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $8.54

Deal price: $2.99

Deal starts: April 12, 2024

Deal ends: April 12, 2024


REVISED AND UPDATEDWITH NEW MATERIAL ON CYBERBULLYING ANDHELPING GIRLS HANDLE THE DANGERS OF LIFE ONLINE When Odd Girl Out was first published, it became an instant bestseller and ignited a long-overdue conversation about the hidden culture of female bullying. Today the dirty looks, taunting notes, and social exclusion that plague girls’ friendships have gained new momentum in cyberspace. In this updated edition, educator and bullying expert Rachel Simmons gives girls, parents, and educators proven and innovative strategies for navigating social dynamics in person and online, as well as brand new classroom initiatives and step-by-step parental suggestions for dealing with conventional bullying. With up-to-the-minute research and real-life stories, Odd Girl Out continues to be the definitive resource on the most pressing social issues facing girls today.

The War Against Boys

Author: Christina Hoff Sommers

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $10.68

Deal price: $2.99

Deal starts: April 12, 2024

Deal ends: April 12, 2024


An updated and revised edition of the controversial classic—now more relevant than ever—argues that boys are the ones languishing socially and academically, resulting in staggering social and economic costs.

Girls and women were once second-class citizens in the nation’s schools. Americans responded with concerted efforts to give girls and women the attention and assistance that was long overdue. Now, after two major waves of feminism and decades of policy reform, women have made massive strides in education. Today they outperform men in nearly every measure of social, academic, and vocational well-being.Christina Hoff Sommers contends that it’s time to take a hard look at present-day realities and recognize that boys need help. Called “provocative and controversial...impassioned and articulate” (

The Christian Science Monitor

), this edition of

The War Against Boys

offers a new preface and six radically revised chapters, plus updates on the current status of boys throughout the book.Sommers argues that the problem of male underachievement is persistent and worsening. Among the new topics Sommers tackles: how the war against boys is harming our economic future, and how boy-averse trends such as the decline of recess and zero-tolerance disciplinary policies have turned our schools into hostile environments for boys. As our schools become more feelings-centered, risk-averse, competition-free, and sedentary, they move further and further from the characteristic needs of boys. She offers realistic, achievable solutions to these problems that include boy-friendly pedagogy, character and vocational education, and the choice of single-sex classrooms.

The War Against Boys

is an incisive, rigorous, and heartfelt argument in favor of recognizing and confronting a new reality: boys are languishing in education and the price of continued neglect is economically and socially prohibitive.

American Girls

Author: Nancy Jo Sales

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $13.99

Deal price: $5.99

Deal starts: April 07, 2024

Deal ends: April 07, 2024



New York Times


Instagram. Whisper. YouTube. Kik. Tinder. The dominant force in the lives of girls coming of age in America today is social media. What it is doing to an entire generation of young women is the subject of award-winning

Vanity Fair

writer Nancy Jo Sales’s riveting and explosive

American Girls

.With extraordinary intimacy and precision, Sales captures what it feels like to be a girl in America today. From Montclair to Manhattan and Los Angeles, from Florida and Arizona to Texas and Kentucky, Sales crisscrossed the country, speaking to more than two hundred girls, ages thirteen to nineteen, and documenting a massive change in the way girls are growing up, a phenomenon that transcends race, geography, and household income. 

American Girls

provides a disturbing portrait of the end of childhood as we know it and of the inexorable and ubiquitous experience of a new kind of adolescence—one dominated by new social and sexual norms, where a girl’s first crushes and experiences of longing and romance occur in an accelerated electronic environment; where issues of identity and self-esteem are magnified and transformed by social platforms that provide instantaneous judgment. What does it mean to be a girl in America in 2016? It means coming of age online in a hypersexualized culture that has normalized extreme behavior, from pornography to the casual exchange of nude photographs; a culture rife with a virulent new strain of sexism and a sometimes self-undermining notion of feminist empowerment; a culture in which teenagers are spending so much time on technology and social media that they are not developing basic communication skills. From beauty gurus to slut-shaming to a disconcerting trend of exhibitionism, Nancy Jo Sales provides a shocking window into the troubling world of today’s teenage girls. Provocative and urgent,

American Girls

is destined to ignite a much-needed conversation about how we can help our daughters and sons negotiate unprecedented new challenges.

Empathy (Positive Pooja and Friends)

Author: Axita Patel

Category: Parenting & Family

Regular price: $1.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: March 19, 2024

Deal ends: March 22, 2024


Meet Positive Pooja, the star of our book, as she faces a dilemma about whether to play or visit her granny. Your child will discover the incredible benefits of cooperation and empathy. They will follow Pooja and her friends on an incredible journey of fun, friendship, and self-discovery.

The world is full of negative messages for our children. But no more. In this book, you will be able to connect with your child, show them the importance and value of empathy, and have fun doing it.