Author: Dixie Lee Brown

Category: Romantic Suspense

Regular price: $6.99

Deal price: $1.99

Deal starts: November 19, 2023

Deal ends: November 19, 2023


Trained as an assassin from an early age, Alex Morgan will do anything to save an innocent life--especially if it means rescuing a child from a hell like the one she endured.Yet, going undercover as husband and wife with the disarmingly sexy Detective Nate Sanders, may be a little more togetherness than she can handle. She's used to working alone, and no man is going to change that--not even a man who makes her heart pound and her defenses crumble with just a touch.Nate has dodged more than a few bullets over the years, but he's helpless to fight his attraction for Alex. There's no doubt in his mind they're walking straight into danger, yet Nate is determined to help her find the missing kid. He's willing to face anything if it means protecting Alex. She might have been on her own once, but Nate has one more mission: to stay by her side--forever. Read more