Author: Jasmine Haynes

Category: Erotic Romance

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: May 16, 2024

Deal ends: May 16, 2024


By day, Bree Mason is a mild-mannered accountant. But after dark, she gives herself over to Luke Raven and a world of sensual submission. Can a woman with so many secrets ever give more than just her body?
While Bree wants more out of life, more out of her career, she’s ruled by fear and controlled by her secrets. And there’s a secret she’s hidden for years, even from herself. Until she can conquer it, she will never be more than a shadow of the woman she wants to be.
For a year, Luke Raven has given Bree the dominance she begs for. Now Luke has developed a craving for so much more; he wants a relationship outside their strictly sensual affair. But does he have the power to help her exorcise her demons and free her from her past?
“A romantic, sexy, honest hero…” Five-star Reader Review
“Snares you from the very first scene…” Five-star Reader Review
Previously published in 2011