Author: Calvin Wade

Category: Womens Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

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Deal starts: March 30, 2024

Deal ends: March 30, 2024


Mia Maher is nearing forty. She arrives at the funeral of an old friend, Chrissie, who has died suddenly. Happily married, with two school age children, Mia is unaware that this will be the day that changes everything and her life will switch on to an entirely new path.
'Waiting For The Bee Stings' is a story about the lives of four friends who met at Newcastle University in the mid-1990s. It is a tale of love, friendship, passion and betrayal.
This is the third fictional novel by Calvin Wade, following his debut, 'Forever Is Over' which rose to Amazon's Top20 ebooks in the United Kingdom and the critically acclaimed second novel, 'Kiss My Name'.