Category: Cozy Mystery
Regular price: $2.99
Deal price: $0.99
Deal starts: April 02, 2024
Deal ends: April 02, 2024
A brand new career…another dangerous ghosts after another, and spending Halloween in the land of a vampire!
FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
After a harrowing start to her new job with Quest Realty’s Haunted and Hexed Property Division, accidental witch Fio Valentine is less than eager to take on yet another daunting task. As if dealing with a woman-hating ghost wasn’t hard enough, now her boss Jack Adams wants her to uncover the mystery behind a series of incidents at Quest’s new development project.The sprawling construction site in San Bernardino will have parks, malls and theaters in the future, but right now all it has is an angry vampire leaving a trail of injured workers in its wake. Her job is on the line, and she’s on the hook when Jack decides to make her bait for the hungry spirit. Can she outfox a restless wraith and remain both alive and employed?Find out in Book Two of the wicked and wonderful Witch’s Guide to Haunted Properties: Los Angeles.