Author: Kit Morgan

Category: Christian Fiction

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 08, 2024

Deal ends: February 08, 2024


Sheriff Spencer Riley and his mother recently ordered his big brother Clayton a mail order bride for Christmas. Too bad neither of them bothered to tell Clayton! Spencer thought it was one of the funniest things ever...until it happened to him! So much for the annual scarf and mitten set she usually gave him! He didn't even know what sort of bride he'd get!Elle Barstow must become a mail order bride to escape the streets of New Orleans. But becoming a mail-order bride isn't easy. Due to a horrendous encounter before she leaves, she might be wanted for murder! Her only chance is to avoid the law, not to mention her future husband, until she finds out what really happened. Easier said than done. Her future husband IS the law!