Author: Gloria Repp

Category: Christian Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: April 20, 2024

Deal ends: April 20, 2024


The paperweight—a summons to courage . . . A new home, new love, new fears . . . and a mystery. How will she face the challenge? And what does God have in mind? ~ Madeleine, a young widow, is determined to break free from her paralyzing memories and controlling family. The paperweight, a gift from her father, spurs her to declare independence, and she joins her aunt’s house-restoration project in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Two men enter her life, bringing joy, conflict, and danger. She’ll need courage to fight the treachery she discovers, and faith to step into a new life of promise. Can she do it? THE DUMONT CHRONICLES The Dumont family, French Huguenots, settled in New Jersey during Colonial days. Certain Dumont women led adventurous lives, and they held in common the gifts of artistry, courage, and a growing faith in God. Madeleine Dumont Burke is one of them.