Author: Naomi Rawlings

Category: Christian Fiction

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: November 18, 2023

Deal ends: November 18, 2023


The historical town of Eagle Harbor awaits readers in this box set with three moving stories about new beginnings, second chances, and the healing power of God’s love.InLove's Unfading Light,a widow who wants nothing to do with love is surprised by a lighthouse keeper's generous spirit.InLove's Every Whisper,a woman looking for contentment in the wrong places finds hope in the arms of a childhood sweetheart.In Love's Sure Dawn,a woman dedicated to helping her family learns love can come from unexpected places. Can these three women find themselves content in the hand of a loving God... and in the arms of the men God leads them to?Love's Unfading LightTressa Danell is finished with men--from the wastrel who left her a widow, to the smelly trapper who keeps proposing, to the banker who wants to repossess her bakery. Lighthouse keeper Mac Oakton is tired of living in a small town that blames him for his father's actions and plans to leave within the month. But the pretty bakery owner and her endless stream of problems keep tugging at his heart. Can Mac set his own plans aside to help? And can Tressa accept his support if that means giving up her independence ... and being obligated to a man again? Love’s Every WhisperVictoria Donnelly has finally found a way to redeem herself in the eyes of her family, but it requires returning to the small town of Eagle Harbor, where forgotten feelings for a man she can never have lie buried. Can she face childhood sweetheart Elijah Cummings again without destroying both their hearts? Love's Sure Dawn Rebekah Cummings is determined to help pay her family's debts, but she doesn't expect to get a job cooking on the ship of an old friend...or is he an enemy? Rebekah well remembers the pain she endured the last time she tried trusting Gilbert Sinclair. But neither Rebekah nor Gilbert can stop the forgotten feelings swirling between them—or ignore the sacrifices they'd both have to make for a future together. From lighthouses and jagged rocks to friendly townsfolk and homemade pie, the Eagle Harbor Series offers a collection of satisfying romance novels laced with God's truths. Get your copy today! Read more