Author: Sonia Parin

Category: Cozy Mystery

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: May 21, 2024

Deal ends: May 24, 2024


Caught red-handed

Lucinda Ware and Thea Calvoy, her cousin, supplement their modest incomes by donning their sleuthing caps and offering their discreet services to catch store thieves, expose light-fingered guests, and resolve blackmail threats.

A recommendation from one of their satisfied clients has attracted a lucrative assignment. However, keeping a wary eye on a young heiress tests their skills, more so as they find themselves investigating a band of thieves, with the ring-leader intent on playing a cat and mouse game to cover their deadly intentions.

With Lucinda and Thea busy navigating the treacherous waters of the social season, and dealing with a house full of unique guests, they are nearly caught off guard by a truly cunning and wicked adversary. If they don’t act swiftly, an innocent person could end up dead.