Author: Luke Villermin

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: January 19, 2024

Deal ends: January 19, 2024


Slow and steady wins the race?an intro to personal finance and investing for kids ages 8 to 12Feet thumping and arms swinging, Thrifty Tortoise and Ritzy Rabbit set off on a race to the finish line. At the end awaits a brand-new bike! Follow this competition to see who can earn, save, and invest their way to the ultimate prize. Lots of money decisions will be made along the way—some good and some bad—but you’ll get to learn from them all!Geared for kids ages 8 to 12, On Your Mark, Get Set, INVEST provides seven engaging chapters to simplify the essential concepts of personal finance and money management…many of which are not taught in schools. You will find answers to questions like:Where does money come from, what do I need it for, and where do I store it?Why will I be better off later if I spend less and save more now?How does creating a budget help me reach my money goals?What is the stock market, and how is compounding a kid’s most awesome superpower?With over a dozen interactive worksheets, fun illustrations, and kid-friendly examples, this book will get you closer to the finish line with every turn of the page.