Author: Loulou Harrington

Category: Cozy Mystery

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: April 10, 2024

Deal ends: April 10, 2024


It’s Saturday night and tearoom owner Jesse Camden is finally having her first real date with the hunky sheriff Joe Tyler—and it’s going great until a drunk blonde stirs up a fight on the dance floor that then continues into the parking lot and forces Joe into his role as sheriff.

Early the next morning one of the combatants is found dead in a local B&B, and Jesse is drawn into the mystery when the drunk blonde turns out to be young rock star and hometown darling Chrissy Blaze, who has close ties to half the Garden Club, including Jesse’s mother Sophia.

Soon, the investigation is awash with suspects, all with a reason to want the victim dead. Unfortunately, Chrissy quickly becomes suspect number one. And as old secrets and new rumors begin to swirl, Jesse struggles to separate fact from fiction, friend from foe, and victim from predator in a murder steeped in deception.