Author: Robert Jackson

Category: Historical Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

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Deal starts: March 29, 2024

Deal ends: March 29, 2024


Summer 1943.

The Battle of Britain is over. But the Battle of Germany has just begun.

By night and day, RAF and USAAF bombers drive deep into enemy territory, striking at the heart of Germany’s war effort.

Squadron Leader George Yeoman, veteran of the skies, has orders to protect the bombers on their long-range missions.

He and his men will support in the elusive de Havilland Mosquito, a versatile plane made from wood but capable of stinging the Luftwaffe and sucking the fight from its airmen.

Across the channel, Major Joachim Richter, Yeoman’s counterpart and adversary, bravely leads his squadron out each night to intercept the Allied bombers before they destroy German cities.

The fight will be long and gruelling, but engineers behind the scenes on both sides are racing to build a plane that may soon decide the battle, the fighter jet.

Will Yeoman survive the fight or will this be his last?

Mosquito Squadron

is a classic WWII adventure story.

Praise for Robert Jackson

'Takes you to the heart of the action.' - Tom Kasey, best-selling author of

Cold Kill

Robert Jackson

(b. 1941) is a prolific author of military and aviation history, having become a fulltime writer in 1969. As an active serviceman in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve he flew a wide range of aircraft, ranging from jets to gliders.

Mosquito Squadron

is the fifth book in the Sergeant George Yeoman series.

Hurricane Squadron

is the first.