Author: K.A. Gandy

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: November 21, 2023

Deal ends: November 21, 2023


When the water is all gone, how will you survive?

A catastrophic meteor shower decimated earth hundreds of years ago, leaving the survivors scrabbling as the earth slowly turned to desert.

Twenty-three year old Nyx wakes up one day to find her older brother and protector vanished, leaving her utterly alone in the Wastes. She has only her skills as a scavenger and their busted-up Bronco to lean on as she works to stay alive, and find out who took him.

Things go from bad to worse when the gang who runs Coyote Springs set their sights on her—a woman alone, and an appealing target.

With her life crumbling around her, She’s willing to risk death to avoid a life under their thumb, and takes off into the desolate landscape to try to find any clue to her brother’s whereabouts. The stakes have never been higher as her water supply slowly dwindles, and any hope she had of remaining free and finding her brother are drained away, one precious drop at a time.


What readers are saying . . .

????? "Do yourself a favor. If you like post-apoc fiction (without a lot of shooting and killing) that describes SURVIVING you will not be disappointed." - R. , Amazon Reviewer

????? "I read this in less than a day--and that's even with having to work! (shhh...I had a little down time at work and spent it reading.) I immediately borrowed the second book in KU and spent an enjoyable evening reading it. I will be looking for book three in the fall. Can't wait!" - Maryilee, Amazon Reviewer